T-Shirt Archive

7 Seconds “The Crew”

Posted by Bethany Nixon on

7 Seconds “The Crew”

There are about 1000 reasons that I love the DIY Street Fair, and here’s one of them: Having a neighbor that randomly also has a vintage 7 Seconds “The Crew” T-shirt! Mike Derrick of Cass Brand Organics bought his shirt back in the late 80s from Incognito, a indie store in Royal Oak that used to be THE place to go to buy a band T-shirt back in the 80s. He has held onto it all these years and still wears it today! I got my shirt back in 1996, given to me by a friend Mike's uncle who’d had...

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Freaknic Atlanta T-Shirt

Posted by Bethany Nixon on

Freaknic Atlanta T-Shirt

Mid to late 1980s Freaknic T-Shirt with a Screen Stars tag. This T-shirt has already sold and I do not have another at this time. All items listed in the T-shirt archives are for reference only. See any other Freaknic T-shirts we may have here.

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Boblo Island

Posted by Bethany Nixon on

Boblo Island

I bought this Boblo Island shirt on Ebay, from the original owner who told me he bought it when he was in 6th grade on a field trip, back in 1977. When I was in 6th grade we took a class trip to Boblo Island too…glad to hear it was a right of passage back then, too! For those of you not from Metro Detroit, Boblo Island was a fantastic amusement park, located on an island which was technically in Ontario, Canada. To get to it, we Metro-Detroiters would ride a big ferry boat 18 miles to the island. It...

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Oops Zilwaukee Bridge

Posted by Bethany Nixon on

Oops Zilwaukee Bridge

Another treasure found by my friend Justin, this shirt pokes fun at the famous Zilwaukee Bridge in Michigan, which actually partially fell apart in 1982 while it was being built. I both love and hate this bridge – it is beautiful to look at as you approach it on the freeway, and terrifying for me to drive over – long before I learned this story. Is it just me? If you are from Michigan and you are scared of driving over this too, let me know and maybe I won’t feel so weird about it anymore. Back to the shirt…...

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Nightmare on Elm Street 5

Posted by Bethany Nixon on

Nightmare on Elm Street 5

I feel like you were either a Halloween or a Nightmare on Elm Street person back when I was a kid. I didn’t really know many people that were really into both. Me? Oh, I was a Nightmare on Elm Street girl. When I saw this T shirt pop up in my Instagram feed for sale, I couldn’t help myself and I bought it for a killer deal (did ya see that pun?!?)! My original idea was to wear it a few times and then sell it, but when I put it on I knew I’d never actually do it....

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